Posted 17 October 2023

New head at the heart of it
Associate Professor André La Gerche

Clinician-researcher Associate Professor André La Gerche is a busy man. Not only is he a well-respected cardiologist, but he has gained international recognition as an expert in exercise cardiac imaging, sports cardiology and pulmonary vascular physiology.

As the head of SVI’s new Heart, Exercise and Research Trials Lab (HEART Lab), André and his team will expand the Institute’s cardiac research capabilities.

“My work aims to embed state-of-the-art personalised diagnostics and therapeutics within clinical care,” says André. “The intersection between research and the clinic makes SVI and its close relationship with St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne ideal for my team.”

But there was also a more personal reason that drew him to the St Vincent’s campus.

“I completed my PhD here in 2010 so, in a way, this is like coming home,” he said. “My colleagues at the St V’s campus have always been so supportive of my work and I am excited to again join forces.”

“The talent pool is immense and I look forward to mentoring the next generation of scientists. We will make a difference for people affected by heart disease.”

André’s new lab is also being supported by the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI) in Sydney, and will aim to accelerate the discovery of new ways to treat heart disease.

“We have a history of turning curiosity into clinical discoveries with global impact here in Fitzroy, and we are sure that this will continue with André’s appointment,” said Professor Kay.