Posted 29 January 2025

Gerald Snowden, Patron of SVI’s Jack Holt Society and SVI Discovery Fund member, has been recognised in the 2025 Australia Day Honours List with a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) in the General Division for his service to the community, particularly through philanthropy.
Gerald’s generous and sustained service has been much appreciated at SVI, said Director Professor Tom Kay.
“A humble man with a big heart, Gerald displays remarkable philanthropic leadership.
“He also contributes his time, ideas and energy, engaging with all levels of the SVI community at our busy calendar of events,” said Tom.
Thirteen years ago, Gerald Snowden’s beloved wife Patricia passed away with breast cancer.
Since then, Gerald has reflected on the far-reaching potential of medical research to improve treatments and prevent disease for families such as his own.
“Patricia did so much for so many,” Gerald said.
“I wanted to turn my frustration at being unable to help her into something positive – something that reflected the type of person she was and that would also help provide hope to others”.
After supporting SVI over many years and announcing his intention to leave a bequest to the Institute, Gerald donated $1 million in honour of Patricia’s memory.
“I look forward to seeing my gift support discoveries for many years to come.”
Learn about the Jack Holt Society